Friday, October 10, 2014

Hooded Baby Blanket

One of my daughter's friends from Cosmetology school is having a baby in December.  She found a hooded baby blanket on Etsy and she showed it to Ariana.  She was lamenting over the price (nearly $100) when Ariana told her that I crocheted and I might be able to make her something similar for less.

The girls sent me the picture.  It was obviously made with scrap yarn and seemed a simple pattern. So, I set to work looking for a pattern.  I finally found one on Lion Brand's website (here) that I liked and looked relatively easy.  The next step was finding the perfect yarn, especially since my daughter's friend didn't know the sex of the baby.  We ended up with this:

It is Hobby Lobby's Crafter's Secret Ombre in Honey Rider.  I am in love with this yarn!

I started this project back in July, but it was literally my procrastinating that caused it to take until October to finish it.  It is a very easy pattern to work (just single and double crochets).  Here's a few 'work in progress' pictures:  


But it's finally finished!  Please excuse my use of a stuffed pig as a baby.  My daughter's are all grown-up and they don't have any baby dolls.


So, there it is, all finished!  Needless to say, I am not charging $100.  I am asking $35, which covers my materials and time.  I don't want to price my creations above and beyond what someone like myself can afford.

You can also look at this on my Ravelry page.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Quirky Crochet Creations

I love to crochet!  I love to create things from nothing, to see how they come together in my hands.  I especially love a challenge, a "Can you make this?" request.

I started this blog to showcase the different things I enjoy crocheting.  I am currently in the midst of a couple of projects - baby blankets - but I have about a million different things on the back burner.  I also have some finished projects as well I may post about.

I am not much of one for writing my own patterns.  I have written a couple and I am working diligently at creating some others, but it is definitely not my strong point.  Any work I post will be credited to the creator.

I'm always amazed at how people think I'm so talented.  I don't feel talented, just dedicated to a hobby I love!